About Us

The concept of VPECS started on a sunny February day in 2019 in northern Sweden. I went skiing with my nine-year-old daughter and she asked me while sitting in the lift “Dad, why are my toes so cold when I have really thick boots?”
This simple question started a process for me. As a cardiac surgeon for more than twenty years, I have focused on the circulatory system of my patients. As an inventor with many patents and as a researcher, this simple but poignant question started a thought process. Soon afterward, the hypothesis was formed that shoes in general and ski boots particularly have focused their innovations on the sole of the foot and the lateral edges, but not so much on the dorsal aspect. This hypothesis was quickly tested on a pair of old ski boots, and I soon found that buckling a ski boot compresses the most important artery of the foot and reduces blood flow up to 90%.
The next step for me was to start working on a product that respects the anatomy of the dorsal aspect of the foot and protects both arteries, veins, and nerves. Prototypes were produced and tested, and after many rounds, a working prototype was designed that preserved blood flows to the toes when a ski boot is buckled. Naturally, I filed a patent when the testing was successful.
Professor Henrik Bjursten, MD, PhD
All intellectual property, including but not limited to patent, patent application, trademark, market research are the property of Cintor AB, a Swedish shareholders company.
Intellectual property
The VPECS technology is protected by patent and patent applications. In 2020 the first The VPECS technology is protected by a patent and patent applications. In 2020 the first patent was filed and an ISRWO (International Search Report and Written Opinion) came back the same year without any comments. In 2021 the application entered the national phases, and in 2021 patents were granted in Europe, Canada, and China. The US application was granted as a patent in June 2022.
The VPECS acronym is protected by trademark applications both in Europe and US.
Mission & Purpose
Mission statement
To optimize the fit and performance of sports footwear through scientifically based adaptations that respect the foot’s anatomy, thereby making good footwear even better.
Purpose statement
To help people improve comfort and function in their footwear.

Avalon innovation has been our partner in FEM-modulations, industrial design, and development of prototypes.

Lund University
Lund University in Sweden, with it’s Faculty of Medicine, has helped with all physiological measurements

Hoibergs patent office, Copenehagen, has drafted and filed the patents protecting VPECS

Protolabs with it’s affiliations have worked with us during the prototype development phase of the project

Gulliksson is our provider of legal services

Tekscan is our provider of pressure mapping services

Skane University Hospital
Together with Skane University Hospital in Sweden we have evaluated VPECS

We have worked together with Gerdahallen in Lund, Sweden for evaluating VPECS in a dynamic environment

Big Picture Skiing
Together with Big Picture Skiing we are performing market surveys and creating YouTube content

ALMI provides business, advice, acceleration and funding

AC Studio
AC studio in Montebelluna helps us developing pre-production prototypes of cycling shoes
“This is exactly what I’m looking for” – Adam Dickinsson
“I am desperately keen to try your product” – Tristram Todd, Ski instructor, Chile
“Can’t wait for you to get this to market. It is an obvious flaw in ski boot design. I think you have really come up with a solution.” – Lee Ann Ross, Oregon, Ski Instructor
“Fantastic idea for instructors and racers who like a firm fit” – Tim Robertsson, Ski Instructor
“As a professional ski boot fitter for over 40 years, I’m very happy to see this problem addressed”, –Bill Vertucci, Sydney